--------- MY ROOM ---------
        for this assignment we had to make a 3d bedroom for a                                   character we got assigned.

       the character assigned to me was 

I started off with making a reference board for my character. I did this on Pinterest. Steam punk is very based around vintage machines. and mostly uses the colour gold and brown the reference board is on the right. I included steampunk gadgets, room accessories, and vehicles. 
The board on the left is my style board. this has the colours and materials I will use.

----------- STORY ------------

My character's name is ray. we had to make a short story about the character. here it is:

Ray has always been full of ideas. He would work on his inventions while the other kids were playing. He was only 12. As he grew older so did his inventions. 
He was the one that invented the record player, cars, planes, and much more. 
He was the first one to ever fly in the sky. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Ray would slowly go insane from the pressure and difficulty of inventing something new every day. He stopped coming outside. 
He’d just stay in his room and work on his newest gadget all day, every day. 
A few years later, he had finally done it. He invented flying cars. The cars were a big success and affordable to people in middle class. Almost everyone was driving the flying cars. But ray was just a human and he had made a lethal mistake.
The cars malfunctioned. More than 3k people were harmed, and there were over 300 deaths. 

Making the car speed up into ray’s inevitable fate. His room however, remained just as how he had left it. It was still a mess from the previous work that he won’t ever be finishing. The people wanted to forget all about ray. So, his inventions were claimed by others, and his room was permanently locked shut. Erasing all that was left of him.

------- SOUNDTRACK-------

we also need a fitting soundtrack for the room and the character. the song I chose is Bernadette by IAMX. 


I chose this song because the instrumentals give me a steampunk vibe. its also a dramatic song that fits my characters dramatic backstory. this voice is also what I imagine my character to sound like.
-------- BLOCK OUT --------

For practice I started with blocking out my own room in blender. We had drawn our room in perspective earlier on. I will put them here for reference. here is the block out and the perspective drawings.
~ The perspective drawings: ~

                         ~  The block outs: ~

And now it was time for the steampunk room block out. after a bit of experimenting with the block out this is what I came up with.

------- MODELLING --------

I began with putting more detail into the stairs and the wall. I took small parts of the model and gave them more detail one by one and worked my way up from there.

I kept adding detail until it looked like this. I added a lot of metal pipes because steampunk is based around old technology. there are some inventions and different prototypes spread around that the owner of the room (Ray) had come up with. the room is very crowded and a mess because I wanted it to represent how stressed the character was. I also asked for feedback in this point and I was told that I should add a blanket for in the bed. I sadly didn't do this because the fabric simulation didn't work. I watched a lot of tutorials but I couldn't figure that out. 

some objects were heavily inspired by these 3 photos. (the metal door, the thing above the door and the lamp.) all the other objects were 100% from me.

------- COLOURING --------

After the modelling was done I gave everything a colour. these colours aren't final, I just needed every object to have a material so I could give it the correct colour in Sketchfab.

Then I exported the model and imported into sketchfab. I changed the colours to better ones, and I also adjusted the shininess of some materials because I feel like they didn't really look like metal pipes in blender. I added a light source and made the part inside of the lamp neon. its that yellow because at the time white light didn't exist yet. only light bulbs existed. I was thought of making the coloured crystals around the room light up too, but that takes the attention away from the yellow lamp so I ended up scrapping that idea.

----- FINAL PRODUCT -----
------- REFLECTION --------
How did I work?
I followed the steps as instructed and got to every step in time. I was surprisingly done earlier than expected.

what was difficult?
Asking for feedback. I'm not scared of asking something, but when I come to a moment that I have to ask for feedback in, I just delay it until I'm way further. and then I don't ask for feedback because I'm going to get questioned why I didn't ask it for any of the other steps I also did end up asking for feedback for a part even though I was further, and I wasn't able to follow it because I had already finished the project. I'm aware this is probably my biggest issue and will do it the correct way next time.

what went well?
The modelling in blender. I have never made something off this size on blender, and it all went well. I made the entire thing in a week.

what did I learn?
I learned how to get things even prettier in blender with the different tools I used. and I learned how to use lightning in sketchfab.


